Interview with John Mayhall – The Senior Director of Sales Solutions at LinkedIn

Editor’s Note: Guest post by Craig Jordan, Co-Founder at Red Bridge.

The Sales Hacker Conference in New York City has passed, but we wanted to release the last of the speaker interviews for those who could not make it to NYC. If you missed the other interviews check out: Shep Maher, Ash Alhashim, Daniel Barber, Mike Smalls, Emmanuelle Skala, and Jake Dunlap.

But next up in our interview series we have John Mayhall, the Senior Director of Sales Solutions at LinkedIn. John started at LinkedIn 5 years ago on the operations side of the company with Marketing Solutions, and is now working with Sales Solutions at LinkedIn.

Some of the Topics Covered in the Interview:

  1. Team Dynamic
  2. Sales Industry Predictions
  3. Key KPIs
  4. Social Selling Tips

RUN TIME: 24 Minutes



How Big is Your Team?

LinkedIn has four main offices (Chicago, Toronto, San Francisco, and New York City) with 7-8 sellers on the team in each region. So a total team of about 30.

What’s the Role Breakdown?

All 30 of the people are quota carrying Account Executives, but we work closely with Sale Development partners who we rely on a huge amount for our pipeline generation.

Predictions for the Sales Industry as a Whole

Unlike the audience here at Sales Hacker, a lot of the market at the end of 2015 and the beginning of 2016 is going to be in catch up mode. We’ll see the technologies that are enabling sales reps to more efficient and informed become more mainstream.

KPIs for Your AE Team?

  • Accounts Touched
  • Sales Qualified Opportunities
  • Social Selling Index
    • Maintaining Own Personal Brand
    • In touch with multiple decision makers
    • Engaging network with insights
    • Staying relevant in the marketplace
    • Are they building they’re own network

Tip for Building Social Selling

It starts with your personal brand. Define who you are and what you stand for. Both as a company and as an individual. 75%-80% of people look you up on social media to see what you’re all about before engaging further, to see if you’re trustworthy and credible.

Build your brand online and then deliver on that promise when you’re engaging with people offline and in real-life.

Go where your buyers are and then go be interesting.

Social Selling HackPost content on your profile and tell people that’s where they can find it. The views on your LinkedIn profile will skyrocket in minutes!

Sales Hacker Conference - New York City

Sales Hacker Conference New York

View John’s deck from the Sales Hacker Conference on SlideShare.

Craig is the Director of Marketing at Sales Hacker and the Founder of Red Bridge. A marketing agency focused on helping B2B Tech Startups accelerate their growth.

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